Thursday, 21 April 2011

I couldn't physically do it!!

...I love making the reception signs, especially when working on more bespoke items such as 'Pimms o'clock' above. Here are the latest to be added to the collection that are in pre-assembly point. I will be trying to work and build a new Etsy shop later this month, or probably more realistically May!?!

All these ideas whirl about, but it is frustrating that your brain works quicker than your hands. And time, time is always against me. Not too sure if it is due to the fact that I now have more in life to juggle at the gorgeously ripened age of 42 than I did when I was 28, or that I used to be able to work through the night - (massive bonus) - without it altering concentration levels the following day in the slightest and still be fresh faced in the morning!! Now I couldn't 'physically' do it, even if I wanted to - I tend to be asleep on the sofa by 10pm and I wouldn't describe myself as having a fresh face in the morning even after 20 hours sleep!! My beauty regime at the moment seems to consist of a hair brush, lipstick and a pot of coffee (which I know should be a 2 litre bottle of water)....

1 comment:

Perdita Tinsel said...

That Pimms O Clock one is superb! I know what you mean about needing LOTS of sleep, my problem is I'm a busy bee and by nature a night-owl, so often end up knacked!

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