...all the bunting has been taken down, marquees and gazebo's dismantled, tablecloths washed and anything homemade with a union jack is put away in a box until the diamond jubilee and olympic celebrations next year.
I didn't want to do a post on the Royal Wedding as there are plenty of images circulating on many other blogs. But I did want to direct you to the most fabulous collection of photographs that I have seen so far of the DAY itself. They capture the spirit and emotions of the day so well and there is a certain quality to some imagery that almost takes you back to another time and era. They were taken by Fanni Williams of
Fubumedia and can be seen over at
Love My Dress and also
Fanni's blog, you 'must' stop by.....

...I didn't go over the door step on Friday, I didn't think I would get terribly excited about the wedding, but I was hypnotised and drawn in for the celebrations, my two little girls were fascinated and then lost interest at continued 5 minute intervals, Grandma was on the sherry from 11, husband outside dancing between barbeque and the persistent sea frets which eventually turned into rain, I was trying to catch the 'important bits' between being the 'hostess with the mostess', Nana T was doing a running commentary and grandads were bbq watching...it was simply gorgeous that we were all together...

...the rest of the weekend I have been catching up with sample pack production, which you will see over at
studio snippets tomorrow. I arrived at the post office this afternoon armed with my parcels, created a little bit of a queue behind me, which you really don't want to do on pension day!!....

...oh and while I have your attention, above is a little commission produced for Pippa. We are now producing little 'for the day' reception signs that can contain your names and date of the wedding to place on your table or around an attractive artefact..... Prices start at £18.00...
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